
16 to 18 years old

All sixth-form students at Colegio Arenas study the Spanish Baccalaureate, either exclusively or by combining it with the International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme. The modules offered are Sciences or Humanities and Social Sciences, both with increased number of hours of English within the timetable. In the different subjects within the modules, the reduced number of students in each group helps to enhance the learning environment and facilitates the preparation of students for the external examinations taken at the end of sixth-form education.

dp programme DP

The curriculum at Colegio Arenas culminates with the Diploma Programme (DP). This is a programme of academic excellence which forms part of the International Baccalaureate and is recognised as a benchmark standard of education due to its wide dissemination and acceptance by the most prestigious universities in the world, and supported by its rigorous external examinations.

Our students combine the Diploma Programme with the Spanish Baccalaureate and on completion of their studies achieve dual-certification which facilitates their access to the best universities in the world.

Why study the Diploma Programme?

The Diploma Programme (DP) provides students with the skills and knowledge required for active participation in an increasingly more globalised and rapidly evolving society.

Parents that wish to guarantee a solid education for their children’s’ future choose the Diploma Programme because it focuses on the following:

Students develop physically, intellectually, emotionally and ethically.
They broaden and deepen their knowledge and understanding through the study of six separate fields of knowledge.
They develop skills and a positive attitude towards their learning, thus preparing them for higher education at university.
They study at least two languages and increase their understanding of different cultures, including their own.
They establish connections between the various traditional academic subjects and explore the nature of knowledge through the field of Theory of Knowledge; a subject exclusive to the Diploma Programme.
Through the research and writing of the Extended Essay, students carry out a thorough investigation about a topic of interest from the perspective of one or several academic subjects.
They enhance their personal and interpersonal development through Action and Service and Creativity activities.


Within the school timetable, Baccalaureate students prepare for external language examinations provided by the University of Cambridge (First, Advanced and Proficiency), the Alliance Française and the Goethe-Institut. In this way, students have the possibility of completing their Baccalaureate studies with advanced certifications in three foreign languages.

One of the objectives of Colegio Arenas Internacional is that our Baccalaureate students achieve the University of Cambridge Certificate in Advanced English (Level C1 in the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages). More advanced students prepare for the Cambridge Proficiency exam, level C2, which certifies them as university level native English speakers. Both certifications are exceptionally difficult for non-native students to achieve in Spain and it is due to our success that Colegio Arenas has received recognition as an official examination centre from the University of Cambridge.



Passed University Entrance Exams (EBAU)


International Baccalaureate




Students achieved above 12

First bilingual school on the island

We offer guided tours of the facilities throughout the year