
As students progress through their education, in particular through the stage of Secondary Education, the scientific and humanistic fields of study become of vital importance. Through these subjects, students begin to reach intellectual, social and personal maturity as they broaden their knowledge and develop important critical thinking skills in preparation for the successful undertaking of higher level studies at university.

Students learn to express themselves meaningfully and logically, expressing their own ideas and thoughts with clarity. As they interpret the world around them, they learn the importance of accuracy, of being thorough in their search for new information  and being open to new ideas.

World Classes

Each year, Colegio Arenas Atlántico organises a Debate League in which students from the third year of Secondary to Baccalaureate debate about current affairs. Through experiences such as these, our students acquire an outstanding skill for effectively communicating their ideas.

The organisation of World Classes, in connection with the Debate League, encourage the analysis of world affairs from the perspective of all school subjects during one week of the school year. This interdisciplinary unit allows students to gain a broad perspective about topics such as anti-violence or natural disasters. Each year this activity is designed to coincide with a United Nations World Day.

The fostering of values such as autonomy, responsibility and respect for others is given particular importance within the education system at Colegio Arenas.

2nd Video of Debate League at Colegio Arenas Atlántico

The group of students from the second year of Baccalaureate, who call themselves “Los Ilustrados” (Jorge Juan Pérez Pérez, Daniel Díaz Foruzanfar, Ruth Vega Santana y Javier Ojeda Rodríguez), have become reigning champions of the second Colegio Arenas Atlántico Debate League, after a fierce final was fought out against the “Élite” team, comprised of the fourth year Secondary students Marta Barredo González, Ana Kiciuk, Teresa Conde Pérez y Pablo Junyent Hernández.