Quality and Environment

Striving for Excellence

With the aim of achieving excellence through continuous improvement, at Colegio Arenas we have implemented a control system through which we programme and plan all activities and actions that are to be carried out, as well as analysing the results and contrasting them with customer satisfaction reports. 

This process of planning and establishing improvement schemes allows us provide information relating to the future growth strategy our school and guarantees certain standards and health and safety conditions. In addition, an environmental management system has been included as part of our philosophy for Corporate Social Responsibility.


To be a World School

To develop ethical education

To work towards Academic Excellence

To offer new services to the community

To foster a culture of maximum quality within the organisation

To ensure the sustainability of the organisation

To increase the efficiency and satisfaction among all members of the organisation

To optimise internal and external communication

ISO 9001 Certification

In the year 2000, we were awarded the Quality Certification ISO 9001 by AENOR, the leading authorisation in quality control systems. This certification guarantees, through means of external audits, compliance with rigorous quality and safety standards regarding the design and implementation of pre-school, primary, secondary and baccalaureate education. Extra-curricular activities, the management of the school dining facilities and the bus service are also included in this system.


Colegio Arenas

View ISO 9001 Certification


Colegio Arenas Atlántico

View ISO 9001 Certification

Only Schools in the Canary Islands Environmental Management Certification

The Colegio Arenas has done it again. We are the only schools in the Canary Islands to obtain the certification in Environmental Management ISO 14001:2015. This is an external certification granted in recognition of the effectiveness of the environmental management system implemented in our schools and which was awarded by AENOR (Spanish Association for Standardisation and Certification) as a result of rigorous audits carried out in October 2017 and February 2018.

ISO 14001 Environmental Certification

At Colegio Arenas we have implanted an Environmental Management System ISO 14001 which affects the entire organisation and is in line with one of our strategic goals - “Education for Sustainable Development”.

Quality and Environment Policy

AIS Schools are committed to incorporating the principles of quality and environmental control into the management and development of their services. Our belief in these principles has become an integral and vital part of the management of our organisation, which aims to contribute towards environmental protection, sustainable development and the efficient improvement of our procedures and practices.


Annual self-assessments of the entire organisation are carried out in accordance with the European Foundation for Quality Management EFQM, which allow for the systematic identification of areas which require improvement and the creation of appropriate plans for development.

The Quality Control System has been enhanced in order to provide clearer guidelines for all members of staff and thus allow for the continuous improvement of education, greater student support and a general improvement of all services provided by our organisation.

Winning Video in the Lanzarote Island Council Recycling Competition

The work of first year Baccalaureate students at Colegio Arenas Internacional has been awarded first prize, thus demonstrating that education in moral values is a fundamental aspect of the education at our schools.